Tuesday, 7 June 2011

RE School Curriculum Research

From the formative feedback to look at school curriculums for using Leap of Faith. I have researched:
  1. Individual schools curriculum (not all have been added just a few to give an example)
  2. kent RE Syllubus for Kent
  3. Contacts
  4. Schools
From this research I have organised things to do in order of Stages.

Stage 1
  1. Design book and publish Depa
  2. prommotion cards to be completed by Yemi
  3. Leap of Faith Animation completed final year project. 17th June. (to sit inside book)
  4. Project Plan for workshops and assemblies
Stage 2
  1. List of Schools and religious schools in Kent.
  2. Contacts for RE in schools
  3. Events
Stage 3
  1. Contact schools etc to promote leap of faith workshops. (This will not be achieved before this projects deadline as the Leap of Faith animation sits alongside the prommotional pack.
Just an example of a website promoting Childrens Ministries in Gravesend and medway areas.


KCC Website has been most valuable and the Kent RE Syllabus can be downloaded.


This is the curriculum for RE and collective worship for Cage Green primary School



This is one of the curriculums for Bower Grove - to establish criteria and regulations for using faith based animation in schools to be used as a workshop to teach religious studies in a fun way.

Policy to be reviewed

October 2011



The Education Act requires a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes the spiritual and moral development of pupils. RE is an area of the curriculum where this educational aim is made explicit. RE will be taught throughout the school to every registered pupil, in accordance with the wishes of pupil’s parents. Whilst parents have the right to withdraw pupils from these lessons, we would hope that parents with any concerns about our RE programme would confer with the school before requesting that their child be withdrawn. RE will be taught in accordance with the Kent Agreed Syllabus 2007 (REact) as far as is practicable.

This syllabus reflects our school’s commitment to strengthen the position of RE and promote respect, understanding and tolerance for those who adhere to different faiths. RE has equal standing in relation to the other foundation subjects within our school curriculum.

In line with the KAS our plans devote most attention to the Christian tradition, give clear guidance on what is to be taught from all religious traditions and include moral and social education. It does not confine itself exclusively to the Christian tradition nor is it denominational or aiming to convert pupils to a particular religion. It aims to provide a broad and balanced RE curriculum that will promote the spiritual and moral growth of pupils and develop an appreciation of the different religions of contemporary life.

The school has an appointed RE subject leader and assistant subject leader who have responsibility to develop the subject and to ensure a balance in the planning and delivery of the RE curriculum based on the Kent Agreed Syllabus, as far as is practicable.

Aims and Objectives of the RE policy

To enable pupils to develop self-awareness and self-respect and to promote a positive attitude towards themselves. To promote awareness of and respect for others and to enable pupils to develop successful personal relationships. To promote moral awareness and encourage socially acceptable behaviour. To enable pupils to develop a knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the major world religions, especially Christianity. To enable pupils to consider ways in which religious beliefs, values and tradition might have significance for their own lives. To link with other curricular areas wherever possible. To set out clear guidance for staff, pupils and parents for RE throughout the school. To identify the role and purpose of RE to pupil development. To facilitate continuity and progression throughout the school. To ensure equal opportunities for learning for every pupil. To ensure a balance of the two attainment targets (AT1 and AT2), as specified in the Kent Agreed Syllabus.

We will achieve these aims by:

Providing opportunities for self-expression. Providing pupils with access to writings from the past and present to show how religious beliefs and practice contribute to the views of a society.

RE Policy

1Pupils will have opportunities to read and listen to religious biographies, stories from the Holy Scriptures and stories of special people. Opportunities will be provided for the use of music, art, dance and drama to explore religious values and themes

Linked activities may be performed at key stage or whole school assemblies. Pupils will be given the opportunity to express their own personal views and to listen to the personal views of others. Local and national celebrations such as Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter, Eid and Diwali may be used as a focus for RE activities. Pupils will be given the opportunity to experience religious artefacts first hand, as they provide visible and tangible evidence of belief. Pupils will have opportunities to share experiences as a large group as well as individually. Pupils will be encouraged to develop the practice of reflection. Pupils will be introduced to traditional forms of worship where appropriate, Where appropriate, pupils will participate in trips or enjoy visits from outside parties, to enable first hand experience of other religions.

RE and the Multi-faith community

Some pupils do come in to school with faiths other than Christianity. Where pupils or parents have concerns regarding the content of the school RE curriculum, the school will work in partnership with them to arrive at a programme that is appropriate.


It is the school policy that acts of collective worship will be mainly Christian in content and will reflect the content of the RE curriculum as far as possible. This will enable ideas to be reinforced and the pupils understanding enhanced (See schools collective worship policy).

Timetable allocation

Pupils in all key stages follow the RE curriculum which is delivered largely as a discrete subject for one lesson per week.

RE will be taught within the normal teaching groups. It is a matter of school policy that wherever reasonably possible pupils should be taught in their appropriate NC year group and within their appropriate Key Stage. In the case of the senior school Enhancement groups, they will follow an adapted programme, as appropriate to their specific needs and abilities.

RE at Key Stage 1

From the time pupils arrive in school, we will attempt to build on their experiences of life, family, friends and important events and introduce them to stories, artefacts, pictures and symbols used in religious traditions. The teaching of RE at this level helps pupils begin to understand and use religious and moral concepts, enabling them to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others. They will be encouraged to appreciate the natural world, its wonder and complexity. They will be taught about some of the key figures in religion and people whose example has inspired others. The focus will be on Christianity and Hinduism in accordance with the Kent Agreed Syllabus.

RE at Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 we aim to enhance earlier learning by enabling pupils to understand more fully the religious and moral concepts and apply the insights gained in their own lives. This will be

RE Policy


achieved by introducing the pupils to the main beliefs and practices of Christianity and other principle religions including Sikhism, Islam and Judaism. Pupils will be taught about the main events in the lives of religious leaders and will be given opportunities to develop their understanding of religious terminology and symbolism within religious literature.

Moral growth will be encouraged so that pupils can face up to their responsibilities and understand their rights as individuals (rights and wrongs).

As far as possible, appropriate links will be made between the RE units of work and the National Curriculum subjects, bringing out the moral, social and spiritual dimensions of these subjects.

By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils should be acquiring some understanding of the observable features of religion and religious communities, particularly about places of worship, religious literature and the world’s great religious figures. They should be developing familiarity with the language used in religion, as well as the stories, symbols and rituals of religion, with some insight into their significance for believers. They should have opportunities to reflect upon experience and thus develop their own sense of personal identity and their relationship with other people.

RE in Key Stages 3 and 4

In Key stage 3 and Key Stage 4, the pupils will follow a curriculum that will allow them to revisit topics covered in the earlier key stages and study them in greater detail, at a level more appropriate to their increasing maturity. A major focus of their work will be to enable them to develop their ability to form opinions, make decisions and be able to respect the beliefs of others, even if they do not share them. The pupils should develop an understanding of how their actions can have a direct affect on people around them and that every action carries a consequence, be it good or bad. The main focus will be on Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism in accordance with the Kent Agreed Syllabus.

Assessment and record keeping

In accordance with the Kent Agreed Syllabus, all pupils’ work will be assessed and their achievements recorded against either the P scales or level descriptors.

Assessment will be carried out and monitored by the subject leader/RE teacher. Assessment opportunities will be included and recorded in the medium term plans, in accordance with the school policy.

Each pupil’s level of achievement will be reported in accordance with Government target setting guidelines and these levels will be reported to parents via the Annual Statutory Review Report and updated annually.

Assessment will be an ongoing process and pupils work and achievements will be regularly monitored by the subject/class teacher. Where appropriate, pupils will be encouraged to self assess through the use of “I can” statements linked to the level descriptors set out in the KAS. Formal records and progress sheets will be updated 3 times a year. These records and samples/examples of pupils’ work and achievements will be passed on from year to year so that progress can be monitored throughout the school. Level of pupil progress will be reviewed in detail by subject co-ordinators on an annual basis.

RE Policy


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